Banwave would be just that, bans. Today you have seen suspensions, 72 hour suspensions. There is no banwave so lets all stop creating topics on this. It happens every week or so it seems.
A banwave is by The definition we use here, A permanent ban of everyone using a certain product due to warden detecting it. SO Unless every single person using HB today was banned, there isnt a ban wave.
"Is it a banwave? No, its not a banwave. You will know if its a banwave—the HonorBuddy server will be down from a few thousand people posting "Its a banwave!" to the forums. If you see a couple of dozen ban reports show up at once in the forums, then you know a couple dozen people did something that caused them to be banned and were all processed together in the 'batch'." HB Usage: How do I keep from getting banned? - Buddy Wiki
Or maybe .. hey 5000 users posted they just got banned. Wow, all of those can't be player reported.. let's cut auth server so we check what is really going on.