The HB generic mage routine will not load when selected and goes into a loop of Please see attached log.
Hi, Innomina, and thanks for the log. This failure mode is not one we've seen before. First, let's make certain your WoWclient is v7.0.3.22293, and intact. The version should be in the lower-left corner when you launch it (before you log in). If the version is good, run a 'repair' cycle on it using the Bliz launcher. If still no joy, let's do a 'clean install' of Honorbuddy into a NEW directory: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:"Clean installing" Honorbuddy As stated in the article, for the clean install it is important that: The 'installer', not the zip file, is used to perform the installation. You will need to run the installer with Windows administrator privileges. The installer is available here: Buddy Downloads Your Windows must be completely patched for the installer to work. (E.g., Win7 must have SP1 installed + updates). Keep running Windows Update until there are no more patches to apply. This may require rebooting your machine several times. The installer must be an exception to your AntiVirus. The directory in which you install the Buddy bot must be an exception to your AntiVirus. You copy nothing from a previous Honorbuddy installation You do not install any third-party products If still no joy, please show us a fresh log from the 'clean install'. cheers, chinajade
Fresh install of HB, no plugins and all streaming content from buddy store disabled and still the same issue. Wow client confirmed at v7.0.3.22293 Attaching fresh log Note: the problem only appears to be with a mage and not with my Hunter or Rogue.
Hi, Innomina, From the last log you showed us, you are two builds behind. Please do a 'clean install' of the latest release (into a NEW directory): Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:"Clean installing" Honorbuddy If no joy, please show us a fresh log from the clean install. cheers, chinajade