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  • Mage PVE

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Ownage101, Jun 26, 2010.

    1. Ownage101

      Ownage101 New Member

      Jun 14, 2010
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      Hey guys ive had an 80 mag for a while but my dps sucks compared to how geared i am what kind of gems should i be stacking if there are any good spell cast macros i am arcane tree 57/3/11
      (any macros you got would help my gb kill faster)
    2. Foebik

      Foebik New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I assume that you mean while using the HB bot. But I could be wrong. Try using Rawr. It works great for mages.
      This should help a bunch. But remember... the higher dps comes from zero down time. What I mean by that is that your mage is always casting something. I have yet to see a bot that can do this. HB come close but still... And while there are some great CCs out there and being developed, there will be situation where the CC might not choose the best option for it's next spell.

      In my eyes, a bot isn't about putting out as much DPS as real person... but not having to be there to do the boring stuff in the game like farming or grinding. HB does this perfectly.
    3. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the rotation built into Mephiles should come as close to raid specs as the bot allows. if your just doing pve without the bot, then spell power will definatly give you that increase. it also matters alot on your crit, and that your hit capped. as well as spell haste. on my ICC geared mage, i get crit hits for around 15k+ and it happends really often. so what i would do is find someone maybe in your guild or on your server, and just look at how they are geming, and what gear they are getting, also sending whispers asking for tips usually isn't bad, most people are pretty nice about it.
      hopes this helps
    4. Foebik

      Foebik New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As a general rule on my mage (main) I ran with a bunch of haste (being number 1). But when I had 4 piece T10 Spell power was number one or neck in neck with haste.

      I don't have all the greatest gear... I have some. And I use Rawr. It helps me with criting 50% to 60% of the time, around 18k to 25k on average. This puts me about 10.5k DPS average in a boss fight. I can burst to about 18k dps for the first 30 seconds while popping all my cool downs.
      Rawr will look at all your gear as a whole will help you fill in the gaps with gems or alt equipment that you may have.

      Sorry, starting to sound like a sales man for Rawr. I just like it a lot for my mages.
    5. Ownage101

      Ownage101 New Member

      Jun 14, 2010
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      I would link my mage but Blizzard is watching us....

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