Hello I have the following problem. When I use GB2 and different Profiles for farming Mine and Herbs and the bot has the bags full, he first goes to the Mailbox and tryes to send the mail. He fills all the items into the Mail field and klicks to the button " SEND " but every second or third time he goes to the Mailbox he puts the Items into the mail flield but he fails to click the " SEND " button. he repeats that for 1 or 6 hours untill I click it myself. It seems to me that there are Items which block the SEND button. I updated allready the Force Mail Xml. I am using the newest HB2 version ( no BETA ! ) How can I fix that ? what is the problem ?
Yes I have some enabled. Are there any which dont work with HB2 and the Mail thing ? I will post tommorow which ones I am running.
I am running only 2 Addons : Gathermate2 Mobmap I disabled them now just to find out if this was the problem...
I disabled them, but same result. He puts the items 10000x into the MAIL slot and doesnt hit the enter Button. I am a feral Druid and when he goes to the Mailbox he flys to it in the Flying druid form and he tryes to send in that form. Is that maybe why it doesnt work... ?
I search a little bit deeper and found out that I am running also the PLUGIN TidyBags. I disabled it now, just to see if it is cauzed by that plugin. I will let you know later on. He needs to collect again a few herbs and mine things to test it.
Sounds more like a typo in the name of the toon you're trying to mail to. Have you doublechecked that? are you on the same realm and same faction as that toon?
Yes of course it is on the same Real. and the name is written corectly. The Bot did allready send over 10000 mails himself to that Char. Sometimes it works. and sometimes it doesnt work. When I take a look at the Screen I only need to klick with mouse the SEND button and he goes on. He writes the name correctly. He puts the items into the Slots ( except 1 ! one is allways not filled ) but he doesnt klick the send button ! You can test is yourself. use HB2. take a Profile in ULDUM and make Herbalism and Mining. When you have 4 stacks of it or 6 then click BOT CONFIG and then " EMPTY BAGS NOW " I am Druid and he uses the Druid flying form when he reaches the Mailbox. Maybe thats importand. thats since the last HB and gatherbuddy Update for some weeks. before that it worked 100% fine. And Yes I did install the GATHERBUDDY into a new folder. and I used allways the Update function in the Bot. Its some kind of nerfing now. Because I let him Farm AFK and he allways stucks some hours at the Mailbox trying to send the Items to me.