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  • Main account - 72hour suspension 16/10/2013, first botting ban/suspension

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by benjvh, Oct 16, 2013.

    1. benjvh

      benjvh New Member

      Oct 13, 2012
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      Was botting my alt from 86-87 grinding overnight, woke up and switched to my main where I was using dungeon buddy to run a few scenarios and heroics before I got banned after a couple hours.
      This is my main account and I am about to get my 10th level 90,
      Do I stop botting forever or lie low and bot minimum hours.
      Botting overnight for 8+ hours was probably my first mistake especially on grind buddy but I leveled at least 7 of my 90s that way..
      Probably quit botting because this account is everything and to get it banned would force me out.
      Also was it likely a gm was monitoring me because I recently transferred an old character from a different account onto this one?

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