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  • Making a Profile (Bot Stopped Nothing more to do)

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Erlendstoltz96, Nov 28, 2015.

    1. Erlendstoltz96

      Erlendstoltz96 New Member

      Mar 4, 2013
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      Hello! I am currently working on my first Grinding Profile at Twillight Highlands.

      After ruling out some small errors etc, when I click start it just revives/call my pet(Hunter) before saying nothing more to do, then bot stops.

      I'll add my profile, if any of you would like to take a quick look inside.
      The point is to kill Muddied Water Elementals to loot them for Volatile Water, which I believe i have coded correctly etc, Target ID, Hotspots, Vendor,Mail,Blackspots everything is set up and should be working. But it seems it does not understand that it is supposed to kill the Muddied Water Elementals, any help please!

      I am running it in QuestBot as it should be ran.

      View attachment Erlend's Volatile Water Grind.xml

      EDIT: After some checking, I have noticed the bot works perfectly if I get aggro. Tested by getting agro, turning on the bot, Bot kills and loots, before turning itself off with the ''Nothing more to do'' message.
    2. Maffyx

      Maffyx Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 13, 2010
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      Hey I went ahead and converted your Grind profile to a Questing profile. Give this a whirl and let me know if it doesn't work as intended. Use the Questing bot instead of the Grind bot.

      So upon further review and a hint from CJ, I took a second look at the code and noticed the real reason it won't work. You have the grind condition set to

      Condition="Me.Level >= 63.0"

      This is saying that it will grind until we are greater than or equal to level 63, which is any character that will reasonably be in this zone. So I had to change it in my code to make it go up to a reasonable level. As it currently stands, as long as you are less than 85 it will grind on the elementals.

      If you want to change the level requirement all you have to change in the code is this:

      TerminateWhen="Me.Level >= 85.0"

      Change the 85 to whatever you want.

      Try out the revised profile that I uploaded.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
      chinajade likes this.
    3. vedant

      vedant New Member

      Nov 22, 2015
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      Hey man, So i coppied your fixed version of the profile and added my own repair/vendor vendor as well as my own hotspots. Is there any way to make the bot follow the hotspots in the order I set them? Currently it just wanders all over the place looking for the mob..

      Last edited: Nov 30, 2015

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