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  • Making my first grinding profile - skinning - 1-700

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by whoopazz, Dec 6, 2015.

    1. whoopazz

      whoopazz New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      Ok so i made a small profile with the starter profile from Wiki - it looks like its all working - but it was for a 1-700 skinning profile too fast lvl skinning on a new toon - how do i implement the use of the http://www.wowhead.com/item=111351 A Guide to Skinning in Draenor when it is picked up ! ? - is it just by adding <UseItem> item=111351 </UseItem> or what can i do ??

      any help much appreciated :)
    2. whoopazz

      whoopazz New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      Can someone plz take a look at this and tell what im doing wrong - the profile - flys just outside garrison and starts farming - its all good - until it hits skilllvl 650'ish - then the creeps are to lowlvl to get any skillpoint from - i want it too frind until skill lvl 650 - and then move on too the new hotspots - but it stops and says there is nothing more too do ! - thats because of my - GrindTo - i know - but what can i put instead of GrindTo - so it will move too a new area and farm ? ! plz help - do i need some kind of a subroutine ? - i'm an idiot at profile writing - so would love some help

    3. tomten2

      tomten2 New Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      This would be much better suited in the community developer area.
      But being bored I went ahead and sorted out your profile.

      Hope it works, didnt test anything :p

      	<Name>Skinning 1-700 Start from Garrison</Name>
      	<Mailbox Entry="233515" X="5580.682" Y="4570.392" Z="136.558" />
      	<Vendor Name="Supplymaster Eri" Entry="76872" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="5626.828" Y="4629.681" Z="139.3042" />
      	<Vendor Name="Veetra the Tender" Entry="92069" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="3527.068" Y="-763.809" Z="40.33397" />
      		<While Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).CurrentValue &lt;= 650"> <!-- While condition that will grind if skill level is less or equal to 650 -->
      			<MoveTo Nav="Fly" X="5353.256" Y="4130.235" Z="67.3243" />
      			<If Condition="HasItem(111351)">
      				<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="111351" WaitTime="3000" /> <!-- Use the draenor guide -->
      				<MobIds>76914 76593 76597 80782 78278 79398 89744 89742 89788 89745 89697 93003 95305 89688 92876</MobIds>
      					<Hotspot X="5353.256" Y="4130.235" Z="67.3243" />
      					<Hotspot X="5348.835" Y="4130.916" Z="63.70071" />
      					<Hotspot X="5396.224" Y="4154.017" Z="59.12647" />
      					<Hotspot X="5432.62" Y="4204.038" Z="60.5544" />
      					<Hotspot X="5464.198" Y="4155.251" Z="64.37424" />
      					<Hotspot X="5488.009" Y="4224.037" Z="58.67171" />
      					<Hotspot X="5500.241" Y="4170.333" Z="58.14512" />
      					<Hotspot X="5559.09" Y="4217.113" Z="56.47081" />
      					<Hotspot X="5579.468" Y="4175.661" Z="56.80629" />
      					<Hotspot X="5624.99" Y="4159.718" Z="63.71044" />
      					<Hotspot X="5697.41" Y="4106.264" Z="59.97331" />
      			<GrindTo Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).CurrentValue &gt;= 650"/> <!-- Finish the grind and exit while loop -->
      <!-- Start Draenor grind -->
      		<While Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).CurrentValue &gt;= 650"> <!-- Same condition as earlier but now greater or equal to 650 -->
      			<MoveTo Nav="Fly" X="3643.619" Y="4684.168" Z="108.3268" />
      			<If Condition="HasItem(111351)">
      				<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="111351" WaitTime="3000" /> <!-- Again using the dreanor skinning guide --> 
      				<MobIds>76914 76593 76597 80782 78278 79398 89744 89742 89788 89745 89697 93003 95305 89688 92876</MobIds>
      					<Hotspot X="3643.619" Y="4684.168" Z="108.3268" />
      					<Hotspot X="3564.348" Y="4763.651" Z="116.9782" />
      					<Hotspot X="3549.144" Y="4853.267" Z="110.5325" />
      					<Hotspot X="3421.771" Y="4843.322" Z="111.1658" />
      					<Hotspot X="3243.805" Y="4730.053" Z="120.6249" />
      					<Hotspot X="3318.88" Y="4918.701" Z="116.3322" />
      					<Hotspot X="3534.05" Y="4920.756" Z="99.99913" />
      					<Hotspot X="3655.073" Y="4970.834" Z="86.9275" />
      					<Hotspot X="3737.086" Y="5054.765" Z="76.71748" />
      					<Hotspot X="3533.578" Y="4792.193" Z="119.1388" />
      					<Hotspot X="3220.936" Y="4798.859" Z="121.8777" />
      					<Hotspot X="3614.902" Y="-887.0161" Z="11.10964" />
      					<Hotspot X="3867.664" Y="-1015.908" Z="33.12021" />
      					<Hotspot X="3808.989" Y="-1330.029" Z="92.54482" />
      					<Hotspot X="4412.938" Y="-1592.599" Z="27.26653" />
      					<Hotspot X="4573.466" Y="-1644.432" Z="27.44876" />
      					<Hotspot X="4660.928" Y="-1726.957" Z="52.61377" />
      					<Hotspot X="4677.852" Y="-1648.126" Z="49.45057" />
      					<Hotspot X="4684.623" Y="-1449.843" Z="47.13372" />
      					<Hotspot X="4757.879" Y="-1501.776" Z="50.52161" />
      					<Hotspot X="4783.637" Y="-1548.122" Z="51.29399" />
      					<Hotspot X="4707.136" Y="-1541.182" Z="41.66225" />
      			<GrindTo Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).CurrentValue &gt;= 700" /> <!-- We're done -->
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
    4. whoopazz

      whoopazz New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      Arrrhhhh - Ty very much man ! - much appreciated

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