Hello! For the past Year HB has been giving me massive FPS issues, while I understand there is a framelock set in place, my FPS is always always below 10 when im in comback on average 5 doing anything it even drops down to 1 and 2. Can someone help me? because of this low FPS its also causing the machine to be a bit slower and laggy especially when the bot is in combat. I am Using An Alienware laptop so its a pretty decent machine and the problem isnt with the hardware itself, this only happens with honorbuddy it drops below 10 and when i play without it 80fps on avg
Hi latest Honorbuddy Build 844 is also laggy for me. FPS drops to 15 from average 90 when bot is started. Previous releases was ok.
I tried one or two of them but still didnt work, the issue is I dont know whats causing it :S im not an expert at computers so i really have no idea what any of that all means even though i did a few of them but still nothing changed
well what should i do then my fps is now worse due to the launch of legion, now I have 2 fps average whenever honorbuddy is run, even you have to admit that shouldn't happen, if you can tell me how to fix it, which part of the article you have linked me to look at and try? because for the life of me I dont think any of the problems due to anything listed on the article
I "fixed" it by disabling framelock in the settings and enabling framelock in my lazyraider settings. (its not recommended cause now my HB is much slower in reacting)
It's "disable framelock and at least it does most of what I want when I want it to" or... "just don't play with HB until next patch". I'll disable framelock, thanks
disabling framelock worked for me aswell..had same problem.. with 1-2 fps.. runing on a sort of godlike pc, so it flustered me allot... will go with this atleast untill next patck comes out