I thought I bought a year key, and I keep getting a max sessions reached message. anyone else having prob?
Sometimes when you just closed HB and then directly try to login again this message appears in the log, just wait a minute and then try again to log in
Are you sure that no one else is using your account data for botting? Maybe you should scan your pc for viruses - just to exclude that someone stole your data and uses your login data now
Had this issue yesturday aswell due to honorbuddy crashing, with lifetime account (3 sessions) I could only use 1 cus I had crash twice before. Timeout seems somehow long.
@ airborne you said you bought it a year ago, did you buy lifetime? If not maybe your subscription expired?
I am having the same problem... I bought the version that "lasts 1 year." I would frequently have the problem where I close HB too quickly and I get the max session error, but this is different. I continue to get it regardless of how long I wait. Any suggestions?
I had the same Problem. But i have bought the false package. I want the honobuddy and bought the gatherbuddy. please check this