Does anyone know why its saying Max Sessions when I log into Honorbuddy? I purchased a 1 year sub for one session and all i have is one window open?
This happens sometimes when aRelog closes Hb or when HB crashes. Just go to Buddyauth and kill your sessions there. If this doesnt help, restart your computer, too.
think it needs to be fixed all together honestly. the small annoying things like that are what get to me the most.
you can register an acc here Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal using the same email u used in checkout page and kill the session in use
I understand that, but it COMPLETELY defeats the purpose of fully-AFK botting and requires a fix, whether it be a script that ARelog runs that logs into buddyauth with the credentials and kills the session itself, or the session needs to be looping the auth packets to check if the program is still running