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  • maybe a good idea: autoset checkpoints in profiles

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Sandycheeks, Feb 28, 2011.

    1. Sandycheeks

      Sandycheeks New Member

      Jan 27, 2011
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      well i investigating the problem of questing profiles, where HB starts at the wrong line of the profile if u dont start it from the beginning ( have done some quests/stopped -restarted the bot.

      there are a lot of (good?) questing profiles but all of them dont work properly...i cant run the profile w/o disconnect or PC reset from lvl 1 to 85 so heres my idea.

      Is it Possible , that we can make HB to automatically set temporary checkpoints right after a quest that has been turned in?...so if wow/HB crashes or whatever and we start it all again it will start right where it stopped.

      Eben nochm auf deutsch : kann man HB dazu veranlassen immer dann wenn eine quest abgegeben wurde direkt danach im profil einen checkpoint zu setzen ? w?r evtl einfacher f?r den bot zu tracken wo er ist/war

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