I was thinking is it possible to make direct path movement to the enemy mobs in your area when the NAV is down. At least its something that can be handy for grinding, if there are no objects in the way. Obviously with quests this won't work
I guess you can do exactly that with something like Autoit, but it would be awesome if one could somehow create xyz coordinates in the actual profile using BW as you suggested. Dang, wish I knew how to program and even begin to understand these things. P.S (Actually all this mumbling was just to give your message a bump)
Would need to have meshes still because bw looks like 300 meters ahead or some shit its crazy. Been looking at exe and damn this stuff could be amazing if some one took the time. All the hard work is done just needs to be debugged and updated. BW is amazing over all on how it works with swtor api.
Wish I could look at it. In the process of college for development, would be an amazing learning experience! Probably better that I don't though. I would be at that all day every day, and my wife would kill me.
SWTOR API I know a little programming, but i haven't heard of meshes. Do you have any link where i can read more about this? Possibly similar to BW/SWTOR meshes?
Mesh is the map for where the bot knows where to move and what objects to avoid. I can't help you on second part . Just have to go out and do some research and you know little programming like you said , it will take you some time to understand why things do what and etc. I could make a ton of auto it stuff but that doesn't work nearly as well as bw api.
Google "navigation mesh" eg Navigation Mesh path finding in MMORPG Bots (updated) | Michael Cutler's personal website Try this link for a good starting point for Recast& Detour - an open-source toolkit for building and using navigation meshes: recastnavigation - Navigation-mesh Construction Toolset for Games - Google Project Hosting Then create some nav meshes for us that we can use locally
Go figure. Nonetheless it was interesting to read and try to fathom. Alas I am way too old to even try and figure all this stuff out. Glad to see you around here in BW forums again G. Even if it is just in moderator form