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  • Maybe This Helps Honorbuddy Coders With Figuring Out New Banwave

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by unrealcloudy, May 13, 2015.

    1. unrealcloudy

      unrealcloudy New Member

      Dec 22, 2013
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      I was recently banned like everyone else today, the strange thing is that I haven't used the bot for over a month in the banned account. So they must have been collecting information from way before a month ago.

      Also, a second bot account I use was banned, it was active.

      A third bot account I've used wasn't banned; however, this account isn't active at the moment, and maybe that is the reason why the ban didn't apply to that one. I am curious if renewing that account will cause a ban for it as well. But I will not try until a few weeks from now.

      Anyways, just my little bit of info if it helps pin point how blizz detected us. I spoke to a GM and they refuse to give information on the date or time of the violation "because of our own interests in protecting our detection methods."

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