Getting hung up at the horde camp in Azshara. There is a big red tent in the middle that the toon tries to walk through but can't. It's at <X="3599.128" Y="-4423.927" Z="111.4805" Radius="8.457351" /> I am using this profile View attachment AzureWhelp-Horde.XML Here is the log file View attachment 11-21-2010_2_12 PM Log.txt And the pics. The blue arrow points out a quest giver on the side of the tent. I entered a blackspot in the profile for the area, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
1. Description of problem (where is the character located; is it jumping, standing around?) Resurrecting at the Alliance graveyard in Warsong Gulch, the Navigator has great difficulty getting down the hill. There is one spot where it eventually navigates to (fluke?) and gets down the hill, otherwise it seems to make very tight circles on top of the graveyard. 2. Location of problem (press the 'My Location' button on HB). Code: <Hotspot X="1415.33" Y="1554.79" Z="343.156" /> 3. Attach two screenshots; one of your character at the problem (feel free to remove sensitive details) and one of the world map when opened at the location. Screenshot of Character Screenshot of Map
You really need to take a look into navigation for mounted tauren, they're just too big and get stuck at many points, in fact too many to list them all here.
with the new release i cleared my mesh folder and its not moving its downloading stuff but it wont move, im in kalimdore tanaris, i gave it like 2-3 hours
Is it still downloading after those 2-3 hours? Or has it stopped but just isn't moving. That would be insane if it was still downloading.
i looked and it downloaded 2 files so not sure, and btw im using ur 37-60 profile its pretty good thanks Edit: i keep getting this Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True Unloading tiles! Loading Kalimdor_39_49 Successfully loaded Kalimdor_39_49.etm Unloading tiles! Loading Kalimdor_39_49 Successfully loaded Kalimdor_39_49.etm
Bot keeps getting stuck on the wooden watchtower at this location: <X="-7030.216" Y="-2531.079" Z="251.6361" /> Side note, samikk, pretty sure that's a bug they're aware of, see my resolved (as of earlier today) bug report here: Bug 228 – Continually unloads and reloads tiles Should be fixed soon, I hope.
Bot is attempting to climb an unclimbable cliff in Searing Gorge, at: <X="-7007.973" Y="-1720.838" Z="234.4446" /> Looks like a bad mesh, I think.
The mesh of the southern part of Hyjal is really bugged. My hunter always wanders way out of the profile's path.
<Hotspot X="-1468.439" Y="1409.956" Z="35.55618" /> Trying to path through the building in the middle of market square.
HB has been acting weird ever since i upgraded to 3582. I didnt get this problem prior to 3582. The problem I've noticing is as follows: My rogue will walk to a hotspot then attack the closest mob. After the mob dies, it targets another mob. However, it acts like theres an obstruction to get to the mob, even tho the land is flat and theres nothing blocking it at all. So its gonna try to go around it by jumping then moving a little bit to the right then jump again then move to the right a little bit again and again. It does this for a while then, if i get lucky and a mob engages ME instead, then it will go for that mob. But again, after that mob dies its getting the same problem that I explained earlier.
Yes - I am experiencing that same problem, Alliance side, at the entrance to the Silverwing lower hold, and at the graveyard near the starting point in Arathi Basin. Since our characters navigate to that point many times every battle, it essentially renders those battlegrounds unusable. And at low levels, those are the only two battlegrounds you can enter!
im in mulgore at <Hotspot X="-2397.213" Y="-395.8749" Z="-2.178369" /> the bot bumps into the object beside the hut.
Right click on the profile and hit the edit button; Add this line: <Blackspots> <X="-7030.216" Y="-2531.079" Z="251.6361" /> </Blackspots> And delete the current <X="-7030.216" Y="-2531.079" Z="251.6361" />
To everyone having problems with the pathing (running into stuff etc.) Check if your HB version is using "experimental meshing" and try to select the opposite of what it already is. or add the hotspot as blackspot using following quotes <Blackspots> Hotspot goes here (e.g. <X="-7030.216" Y="-2531.079" Z="251.6361" />) </Blackspots>
Has been happening all week. Lost probably 100 hours worth of botting due to this fucking sign post in NorthEastern Hyjal. I even blacklisted that sign in hopes it wouldnt run the same path but of course doesnt help.