Hi all, I just got back from the bar and needless to say im sauced among other things. Im just posting to tell all of you that your awesome! I have done my share of trolling on this forums and im sorry for that. You are all for the most part badasses and CnG and Kickazz I bet your cool dudes and im the asshole. I hope one of you can relate, sha know, being fucked up and wanting to give a big hug and say I love yall. Im sure tormorrow ill go back to being a dickface but for this moment in time im feeling fuckin awesome and wanted to give credit where credit is due.....fuck Mussolini and Hitler I love you tony and bossland, haha. In homage to the Germans I leave you with the german version of one of my favorite songs, enjoy and hope y'all have a happy holiday. Punk Rock Song (German Version) - YouTube P.S. Please dont delete till at least a little bit. Bad Religion for life!
Im glad you saw it, I know you probably don't remember but I have been arrogant stupid bastard and just wanted to say sorry....yes i know this is all very gay and weird and white trash but hey I dont give a fuck.