I need to migrate my character to a new realm, altho I've heard its a bad idea to bind my CC to the wow account. What other options is left? Would it be safer to just level a new DK on the new realm? Or is it some way I may not know about? It will take me couple of weeks to level up a new DK, sad as this one got proffesions and everytrhing ready. But I'll do it if theres not any other good options.
Do you care if the acc gets banned or not? If not then sure do it. If yes then create a new acc not tied to your cc.
couldn't you create a new account either with a different cc or a gamecard? I'm considering doing this as well, but I don't want the botting toon to be linked back... ugh.
My farming account is in my name, on my regular battlenet and uses my bank card for payments, it is fine. That said, I have never even had a 72 hour suspension *fingers crossed*