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  • [MINING] - Fire Shards Farming (And MAYBE maps?)

    Discussion in 'GrindBot Profiles' started by muntahunta, Mar 15, 2014.

    1. muntahunta

      muntahunta Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      I have created a quick fireshard farming profile.
      It farms level 45 nodes.
      Its based north of Camp Drybone at 12, 18

      I have had around 1000 Fire Shards in an hour of running completely AFK. On my server there are no other people farming in the area.

      I have read that maps drop from any node level 40-50 but I have yet found one. they are all included in the loot list but I am unaware if it loots them due to not finding one yet.

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      Last edited: Mar 16, 2014

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