Hello, so basically... Im against a druid who has used quite a few "gain empty mana crystals" so he put out all of his good cards, and im a mage.. so the bot transform 2 of them into sheeps, and kills them (all of this happens in multiple turns) He then plays a Hogger, the one who summons a Gnoll as you can see here (https://gyazo.com/ef284fc3e80a0e1fef19782f2b9b0831) The Hogger has summoned roughly 3 Gnolls, i have 2 of the spells that deal 2 damage to all minions, as you can see on the screenshot ^ look closely down in the middle of the screen!!!! I could kill all of his minons since the Hogger has 3 hp, then the bot should use the hero power on it, and then kill the Hogger, and 3 Gnolls. But it chose to do nothing of this.. I acutally pressed stop on the bot because it was seriously annoying it didnt do that... That's a Huge misplay wish i recorded.. Oh boy. Can i change the bot to go after minons? It picks my minons and put them on the board, and then it ONLY attacks the enemy hero..?? Thanks! Hopefully i can get this resolved with a setting or something.
And of course i lost the match because he of fucking course got a piece of shit card that dealt 5 damage to my hero, where i had 4 left... And he just drew the card Nice RNG.
denice123, we need your UI and Hb log files. To select the correct UILog is convenient to use this tool. And create a topic in the Support section.