Theres a rather big post on mmo forum about how to farm and beat bots and one of the points in detecting bots was that "they fly straight up after farming a node" I've always thought this was obvious botting, the question is don't you guys as well ? Why isn't it fixed or changed so that they fly up in an angle ? It would be so much better.
its not an actual oficial post its a guy who posted that, but the thing is thousands of ppl must of read it and EVEN if they didnt read it its pretty obvious how it flies straight up, would be nice if they added to the bot "When flying up press W" so it flies up and moves forward (ergo, flies in an angle). Witty Guide Title Here
Used HB a while, but about a week ago started using GB after buying lifetime, and I did notice a few obvious "bot like behavior." (I apologize, I'm sure these observations are scattered throughout the GB forums) 1. Flying straight up, although I understand the technical reason: There's a "safe" level at which the bot needs to rise to begin properly patrolling. To add the ability for it to take off and move forward would cause it to clip trees and doodads, and look even more bot like. To properly navigate the Z axis of the world would require some crazy collision detection, so I doubt we'll see this change. 2. Sometimes, about 75% based on an unscientific observation of my own bot, when I land to harvest a node and aggro a mob, it kills the mob, flies (straight up), strafes about 10 yards, then flies back down to the node and harvests it... 3. When landing to harvest a node (and this may be latency related), it attempts to do it before the mount has successfully dismounted, resulting in a "I can't do that now" message. Then a short 2-3 second pause, then the harvest begins. This seems pretty consistent, and I think it's probably latency related. 4. The bot always, always flies up after harvesting a node. Even if another node is 10 yards away. Then if another node is 10 yards away, it flies down and repeats the process.