Since the last ~24 Hours i have big Navigation Problems in MoP: Code: [20:34:49.190 D] Could not generate full path from {-251.8371, -125.4598, 141.2015} to {-8.016836, -265.5999, 166.8209} (time used: 81 milliseconds) Code: [20:35:20.454 D] Could not generate full path from {-131.9374, -133.8033, 158.2044} to {-135.4555, -132.9251, 158.7926} (time used: 0 milliseconds) Classic, BC, WotLK and Cataclysm all went fine, but in MoP i cant Quest / Grind etc. any more because of this Navi Problems. Tested with 2 Chars. I do redownload the meshes, make a fresh HB install but nothing works. The only solution is to stop and start the bot....but after 3 minutes i have the some problem again... Here some other Users with the same Problem:
same exact thing is happening to me, quests went fine in jade forest, as soon as i try any other map in pandaria, could not generate full path .. and the bot just sits there. Every single map in pandaria does that for me except jade forest. Have 3 chars, 2 horde, 1 alliance, it affects them all. Edit: Btw, i've already cleared all the caches and reinstalled HB, deleted the meshes. Same problem ..
This is new (started to happening today). I have no idea what did you do with meshes recently, but change it back. I'm running exactly same profile as yesterday. Fresh 90, opening FP, long travels - yesterday flawles, today randomly stops, even started to run into fatigue. Btw, you have no idea how much I hate you when you change things...
Orgrimmar Mesh seems broken, too. I skill Archaeologie but instead to move inside Grommash Hold to the Archaeologie Trainer he stand outside at the Guild Master: For 2 Days Archaeologie skilling went fine without any problems.
any news? sorry for asking, but Powerleveling is my Real Life Buisness. No working Bot = No Money ;-(