I have a few ideas for the HearthBuddy Bot, let me know if they're possible or not! 1 - The ability to choose how many games you want the bot to play before stopping itself. Sometimes I just want a few games played, but then I miss the end of one game and have to wait another one out, which leads me to my next one. 2 - The option to stop the bot at the end of the current game. As said above, sometimes I miss games, and I'd like the ability to have the bot stop after it wins/loses it's current game. 3 - Prebuilt Bot Decks. A list of decks that the Bot can play well with. In the HearthBuddy menu, you could add a drop-down menu of decks that the bot can work well with. If you select one, it will automatically build the deck for you. 4 - Advanced Planning. Perhaps you could add a paid (or non-paid, up to you) option to where the Bot would take a bit of time to analyze the deck and find combos, hopefully leading to more wins. 5 - Automated Deck Picking. Another advanced part of the Bot. It would check your current quests, and change to different decks to complete quests then switch back once they are complete. 6 - Idle Annoyance. Instead of going for actual wins, what if there was an option to try to get players to concede out of annoyance? The bot would use the hero-power and then let it's time run out, and it would do it every turn, in hopes of the enemy just giving up to give you the win. Let me know what you think!
Jarvis. Sometimes you gotta run, before you can walk. is the exact opposite of how a good quote would fit. once the main bot is solid im sure more features will come in time. just be patient.
Code: 6 - Idle Annoyance. Instead of going for actual wins, what if there was an option to try to get players to concede out of annoyance? The bot would use the hero-power and then let it's time run out, and it would do it every turn, in hopes of the enemy just giving up to give you the win. I really, really, disagree with this one. That's just being a complete asshole to people.
As there is already an counter, of course this can be done. Don't see any sense here, if you want the bot to stop either just quit it + game, or just wait a few minutes till the game is over and then quit?! No need for this as when the bot has and uses logic it knows which card to use. Who can't even figure out the basics of creating a deck shouldn't play the game at all. as written above. Your post definitely shows you don't understand that the bot is in beta right now. They are fixing basic functionality right now, afterwards we will see improvements in logic. Allthough i am sure we will see paid custom classes for sure. Nice to have feature. There is tons of other stuff i would consider have a higher priority right now. Are you serious? Did.
Not only a dick move but a pattern that people would come to recoginize and report you for. Lets get the bot out of Beta and fairly consistent before we start wishing for things