1) Why it decided to go face with Power Overwhelming Turn 6 Step 4 and to lose control of the board for next turns? UILogg_2016-06-12_10-55-54.zip (see comments) 2) Turn 7 Step 4. Hand = next turn win probably. Bots screws things up to protect 1/1 against a 1/2 Dagger class... UILogg_2016-06-12_10-55-54.zip (see comments) 3) Turn 9 step 3-5 bot plays: minion 1 + life tap + minion 2 where should play: life tap + minion 2 + minion 1 UILogg_2016-06-12_10-55-54.zip (see comments) 4) Bot uses Forbidden Ritual with 1 mana UILogg_2016-06-12_10-36-17.zip (this log he got Darkshire Concilman in hand to buff it next turns) UILogg_2016-06-11_13-28-48.zip 5) Bots stops to Life Tap below some HP. Even if he loses against control and hand is empty... and there is no way to win with empty hand as we know UILogg_2016-06-12_11-42-31.zip 6) To calculate concede lost game bot doesnt take in account mages hero power UILogg_2016-06-12_11-42-31.zip
1) The fact that bot played Forbidden Ritual (and Dire Wolf Alpha buff it), allowed you to win (UILogg_2016-06-12_10-36-17) 2) In the case of the UILogg_2016-06-11_13-28-48 is had no effect on the game (but I agree with you) Write here your criteria when you should/shouldn't play Forbidden Ritual (but keep in mind paragraph 1)
Iso, thanks. The problems were solved, check your pm (except Forbidden Ritual - I'm waiting for your suggestions). Community will get the solution in the next update.
Thanks a lot for fixes. I cant see how it helped. Bot wins either way coz guy was bad at trading (should trade Villager - Tentacle instead of hitting Wolf, etc) and coz it was zoo vs some strange deck. I'm not that pro to suggest universal criteria for Forbidden Ritual, but for me it seems better to play it on next turn after Concilman to get 1/1 and +1/+1 or alone to get 4 x 1/1, then get 1 x 1/1 (if we take in consideration math that bot can do). Personaly I'd play it after board wipe - turn 6-7. Ofcourse it's zoo and there are always some cards to play thats why this plays had possitive impact on the game or had no impact.
I might add my two cents on when to play Forbidden ritual as I played Zoo at a quite decent level. Usually, I want to avoid to play it until one of those two occurences appear: One, I either lost the board too hardly and cannot regain it quickly with my hand. Two, which is indirectly correlated to one, my opponent wiped my board with an AoE spell and forbidden ritual is a kind of reset button so I don't spend too much ressources to make a new board. If you want to play it while having control of the board, it might be severly punished by the most basic AoE spell.