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  • Most Recent band and overturn with my appeal and response..

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by crush1717, Apr 30, 2013.

    1. crush1717

      crush1717 New Member

      Feb 18, 2013
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      was in arena got dc'ed loading in..account banned..here is my appeal:

      so im in arena get dc'ed and now banned..what is the problem?i have done nothing wrong or against TOS. (lol pissed and simple)

      blizz response:


      Recently, your account was actioned incorrectly as a result of our efforts to protect the World of Warcraft environment from exploitative behavior. As part of these efforts, we recently closed some accounts engaged in or associated with exploitative activities including the use of third party programs. While our goal is to protect our players from such activities whenever possible, these closures were not intended to affect accounts of our normal players. Please note that access to this account been restored and all actions removed.

      We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and encourage you to contact us with any further questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


      Game Master _______
      Customer Services
      Blizzard Entertainment

      more weirdness!!

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