Hii, No reason, HB ceased to function once level 40, with this error message: [MountHook-c64c78 (info)] Inserting hook. I tried to clear the cache as shown here: http://wiki.thebuddyforum.com/index.php?title=Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Cache_corruption_problems The problem is still there ... Can anyone help me? View attachment 8676 2016-08-05 00.44.txt If I died, the bot starts, but I have no nouriture, so expect my life to be mounted. Then he puts the error message again.
I did some quests to Plaguelands, and when I have to use "Mustang" horse, bot being on, it is put to work alone ... He took the horse to go to Griffin and go to Stormwind. I come back with another information soon xD - Now he has bought the license for the horse, emptied the bag, and block at the Griffin in Sw. - I went to camp with pain of manually Plaguelands. - Now it works, he went alone to the eastern Plaguelands ... I do not know if this information helps you ...!
Same exact thing for me at EPL after hitting lvl 40 Fixed it by training the 100% mount skill by myself and did quests at Menders Stead and bot is now at EPL So maybe the last quest before EPL are bugged