Hi. Dont really know if this is the place to put it in, and tried to search the forum. But my problem. Today i bought and installed honorbuddy for the first time, and it have done something with my mouse button 2 (right click). previous it was totally unbinded, but now it have some movement direction binded to it.. if i right click somewhere my dude is running away to the point where i clicked, so annoying when i aint used to it. i have tried in wow to unbind mouse button 2, but its not binded anywhere and it seems it cant be binded, if i for example try to bind jump to mouse button 2 nothing happends. so pls help me, how do i get rid of this? // lusi
Dont need to unbind anything, just go into wow interface down to mouse tab and uncheck click-to-move when not using the bot.
May I just add, I'm pretty sure the second you use the bot again it'll activate it again. I use click to move all the time legitimately, a lot easier to move somewhere/go afk/move somewhere/go afk.