Anyone able to tell me what this thing does/ if it's unsafe? Considering who made it I doubt that it put me in a position of too much risk, but you never know unless you ask first haha.
Mister Track it allows you to track all kinds of mobs (without you having the talent to track them), like beasts, undeads, giants etc etc. They show as dots on your minimap like any NPC would if you specify them to look for (think of the option to look for reagents vendor, repair vendor, mailbox etc). That's what it does ^^
It also can show you all mining/herbalism and chest loots at the same time, and all the other npcs as the above poster mentioned. This is generally what I use it for when I gather by hand on occasion. Great if you have dual gathering proffs (and actually play by hand, it's pretty useless for botting) I've tried using spotter, or wetspot to cycle through my trackings, but this is just so much simpler.
oh wow, this sounds awsome.... is the current version working for yall? I get an error everytime I try to use it. I'll have to fiddle with it more later.
I don't know if i have the current version... I do know that you have to launch fishit first, then launch trackit from that, and that you have to have wow open for it to attach. If you close the wow window, the program stays running, but will crash if you try to close it.
I guess what is included with the latest mr fishit is the latest mr trackit. Anyways Nesox is here so he might reply himself ^^
Don't think it has to be running together (at least I guess not). But the latest version of one is included with the other I guess at least.
If you're needing a track hack really bad Apoc released one on mmowned a while back that works very well.