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  • MUST READ for all the people having problems with Loading Tile's error while Questing

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by blancharke, Feb 25, 2011.

    1. blancharke

      blancharke Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So I'm busy making my questprofile when suddenly the bot stopped working after a manual stop. So I checked the forum but no real clue. I couldn't load my profile anymore wich seemed very odd. I started running around manually and suddenly bot started again. Then I realized what was causing this problem. I had a bogus questgiver so I used a basic interact with a macro as solution. As soon I ran close enough to the NPC, honorbuddy started working again. Think it's about 50 yards or so. After it has done the interact the bot continued doing its job. So again I stopped the bot far away from the bogus questgiver and the problem started again. So now I run back to that Npc and again loading tiles was gone and bot kept on going.

      You will only get this when the bot stopped somehow and you restart it when you are to far away from that npc.

      Lets say you are lvl then and you have a basicinteract with mob. At lvl 11 is a checkpoint. But bot stops. And you restart it to far away from interact mob you will be in trouble.

      If the bot stops after you lvled to 11 you wont have the problem because it skips everything before the checkpoint. That's why not many people have this problem.

      If you want to test yourself.
      Pick a unique npcid, make a basicinteract in a questorder. Stand 100 yards away from it.
      Bot won't move a step.

      Now do it again standing 20yards from it. It will run to mob

      Hope this helps the few people having this problem

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