So, the GM just told me that my account was disabled because of RAF time being added to the account and not being paid. He said to be carefull the next time. Well, there you go, there's no banwave.
oh my fucking god....just because YOU got baned its not a fucking banwave... jesustittyfuckbnfnflkgcx,mfjdkmdkgnfg aggggggh ok nerd rage over!
That both my accounts have been compromised. Code: Greetings, We have determined that the World of Warcraft account has been accessed/compromised by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use ( To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled this account. Any recurring subscriptions have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges. In order to regain access to the account, you must complete the steps below to secure the account and your computer. Please keep this email for your reference until the account recovery process has been completed. STEP 1: SECURE THE ACCOUNT, YOUR COMPUTER AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS