So basically, i have 2 accounts slightly linked together. One being my main of 8 years, and another being an RaF account i bot recklessly on. Ways my accounts are linked: I DID use my main to recruit the RaF account I DO mail all the stuff i farm on the RaF to a bank on my main account I've been temp banned once on my RaF account. But im going to keep botting until its permed, i dont really care about it. Im going to keep grinding the same stuff etc. I've been thinking though, what are the chances of them saying forget the RaF account, and going straight to my main which is the holder of all the wealth. My main hasn't had any bans/suspensions other than RBG exploit about 6 months ago. Before anybody posts, i know there is no PROOF of how they ban, etc. And i know "if you dont wanna risk getting banned dont bot". I've been botting for ages. This is simply just a thread to discuss how people transfer items/wealth. And their personal opinions on safe ways to do it. So with that being said, i would like to hear opinions on the ways i do it. And if you have any suggestions, or the way you do it if you think its safer.
Make a guild with your main account. Recruit your raf account to the guild. Make an alt on your raf account (that you allso recruit to the guild) Farmer (on RAF account) mail everything to the alt (on the RAF account) Alt deposit everything in the guild bank. Main account withdraw stuff from guild bank. That way you get past the mail flag as it's ok to mail to your own account.
I got banned on 7 of 9 accounts and they were all under the same real-name. 2 of this 7 were never integrated into botting or gold-stuff and were baned because "same name".
That ban was frustrating. Believe me, i thought many times about it. I never received a ban for "crafting" - only that 1 account (got 3 crafter, 3 ah, 3 farmers) I rarely receive a ban for AH botting. The Real-Infos is the only thing that was the same on those 7 account - nothing else. Ofc nobody can say that for sure - just my minds
Got all my gatherbots banned, all the gold they mailed directly to my main account and the main is untouched.
I just want to add, I had an account that had no previous bans/suspensions. I got permma banned for withdrawing 50,000 gold out of my OWN guild vault. Never posted anything on the auction house or botted with this account. NOTHING. ONLY major things on this account was withdrawing 50,000 gold out of my OWN guild vault. Use this information as you may.
I direct mailed from a farmer to my main account, then placed it in the gbank where trusted buyers would withdraw and deposit gold to the bank. Both accounts were same Battlenet, but the main account hasn't been touched even though it was constantly making direct profit of gold and materials from the farmer. Maybe I got lucky that they didn't ban both? As you said in OP, nobody knows why bans occur as they do. A friend botting the same time frames as I was banned shortly before I was and they overturned it but didn't overturn mine.
Hi! I have a bnet account with 4 WoW accounts on it. One was perma-banned, the other three still work without any kind of problems. In my case, they stated clearly in the email that the perma-ban is only affecting the WoW Account involved in botting, but the others won't be affected. I'm playing in EU realms. Hope this helps! - paketeh
Would not recommend to send Items via mail to your main account. A famous german wow player was banned in the april bans with all his bots AND(!) his main account. The only thing he did on main was receiving mats and shuffling. His account was a active-high level raid account since beginning of vanilla, realm firsts/gladiator/invincible/mimirons head and so on.