It's really frustrating. I got the right spell ID (44151) for my Turbo Charged Flying Machine, and he still keeps insisting on that shitty mount. No I don't have "Random" checked. I have tried restarting. Is this bot so stupid it can't remember its own settings?
Frequently, yes. One thing to try... Make certain the bot is not running when you alter and save the "Tools & Settings" dialog. If the bot is running when you're saving the modifications, sometimes it remembers the settings and sometimes not. This is a very annoying bug. If its not going to be repaired, the "Tools & Settings" button should at least be greyed out while the bot is running. If that doesn't help, I'm tapped out of ideas atm. cheers, chinajade
It doesn't work. I have even tried restarting the game. Done like 3 bot restarts, the settings are saved, that's for sure. I'm using ArchaeologyBuddy.
Often times I deselect random, save and close, hit start and it still uses random mounts. I have the mind-set of, "Well at least it knows how to mount."