Ok, so today I was botting BGs while I was sleeping and I thought it all was good. When I woke up I had a GM chat window open and this is what was the conversation between a GM and ZNFK Chat bot! ^^ [11:11:07]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:Greetings <my character name>, my name is Game Master <GM name>. Sorry to disturb you but do you have a moment to speak? [11:11:12]: <4216> [Whisper to] [GM]:wazza. [11:11:28]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:Hey thanks for your time <my character name>. [11:12:03]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:Just a quick question [11:12:09]: <4216> [Whisper to] [GM]:Go on. [11:12:20]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:Have you seen any odd activity in the battlegrounds recently [11:12:41]: <4216> [Whisper to] [GM]:No I have not seen any odd activity in the battlegrounds. What's it like? [11:12:53]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:Like capping issues for the flags. [11:13:58]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:I see your in one at the moment, sorry to disturb you I will leave you in peace. [11:14:01]: <4216> [Whisper] [GM]:Farewell <my character name>. Maybe I should skip botting for a while? ^^
It must have been set like "whisper contains theese key words" sort of thing....like the plugin Shutup has...
Its a very old algorithm that just rearranges words its seen from the other party into a question form--Eliza, and others. It also throws in common phrases to keep the other party talking. There was even a WoW-addon that did it very well called AGT, the Automated Goblin Therapist. It seems to have disappeared from WoWInterface.com, tho. cheers, chinajade
its kinda hard to believe its a bot, since a bot would of wanted to respond to every query tossed at it, and there's no response for a couple of lines at a time. since chat bots are always made to have the last word.
He says he is using http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archiv...uto-reply-using-aiml-streams-irc-console.html ????
that was nice lol, it doesnt even look like a bot LOOOL edit: i will try it at home,but tbh it looks fake for me too, hehhe but i wil try, trying is the way to know if it works or not
[22:42:58]: <6576> [Whisper to] [Thaws]:nope [22:43:50]: <6576> [Whisper to] [Thaws]:how are you? [22:44:02]: <6576> [Whisper] [Thebaw]:good..? who is this lol [22:44:18]: <6576> [Whisper to] [Thebas]:They are someone just like you, that I met online. [22:44:37]: <6576> [Whisper] [Tebaws]:the hell? [22:44:46]: <6576> [Whisper to] [hebaws]:What are your goals in life? [22:45:56]: <6576> [Whisper] [Theaws]:you are a strange person... [22:46:40]: <6576> [Whisper to] [Thbaws]:really :_( hahaha so funny