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  • My Dwarf Paladin

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by rhomb, Sep 19, 2010.

    1. rhomb

      rhomb New Member

      Sep 7, 2010
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      Hey folks
      here my Story:

      I bought GB Lifetime, started Honorbuddy, needed a while to get used to it, and after checking out a couple of Profiles I found Hawkers 1-60 Profile.

      Encountered some Errors, fixed them myself ( I know xml so that wasn't a Problem)

      Yesterday I thought I give WSG Weekend a try while i go out drinking..

      When I got back my Bot had lost 21 BG's and won 3 -.- but he made about 65k xp /hour on lvl 51. After the night out the Toon had made 5 lvls.. Nice!

      So by now he's 56 and has 6 days and a couple of hours played.

      ATM he's in WSG, cuz i have to leave for work now... Guess he'll be hittin 60 today.. going to get a questing profile from 58-70 though.

      Gonna keep u updated.
    2. reapin

      reapin New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nice mate best of luck to ya. Alliance really isn't good on pvp to be honest, horde have been ownin all the BGS on all the realms I been on. Good thing I play horde mostly :D
    3. mistatic

      mistatic Guest

      I play horde and atm i got a 2 wins 12 losses :'(
    4. reapin

      reapin New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lol idk mate, maybe you bring bad luck, not sure what to tell you. Kind of realms you playing on?
    5. NiEL

      NiEL New Member

      Jul 28, 2010
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      Gratz on this mate ! on my server horde suxx :( Sadly i play horde :D
    6. rhomb

      rhomb New Member

      Sep 7, 2010
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      Well going better in BG's now.. making 120k xp/hour on lvl 60..

      Gonna download the W00ts pvp profile and start testing it. Used standart wsg profile till now.

      Ration got better 21:14 W:L ^^

      Anyways I believe I'm gonna hit lvl 65-66 tonight ^^ so 10 lvls within a day and a half :)

      Love the cta ^^.

      Btw my second dwarf Paladin (other server) hit 45 today.

      As far as GB goes... gonna start herbing with it tomorrow with an lvl80 character. Have to use all three sessions ;)

      So long

      So long
    7. mistatic

      mistatic Guest

      wait make that 24 losses 3 wins its a good ratio :S
    8. rhomb

      rhomb New Member

      Sep 7, 2010
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      my dwarf paladin hit 65 yesterday...

      going to keep using pvp to lvl... cuz the honor i'll be using for equip & gems.. the gems will give me a little bit to the start.

      The 80 mage i bought i skilled up herbing in a couple of hours, started to make own working profiles to skill up herbing. Dinged 450 and started to give him a go for stormpeaks:
      First farming session, about 12 hours got me:
      771 Lichbloom
      814 Icethorn
      213 Goldclover (from skilling up in borean tundra)
      90 Deadnettle
      70 Tiger Lily
      45 Eternal Life
      57 Frostlotus

      He's on the farm atm again for a couple of Hours. Will report as soon as i have new data ^^.
      Starting to look for a buyer for the herbs.

      Still ToDo:
      - Keep lvling the 3rd paladin (45 atm)
      - Getting the 1st pally to 80 (65 atm)
      - Skill up 2nd pallys herbing or Mining (80 paladin i bought), and get epic flying mount, and start farmin

      - Evaluating where to sell gold for EU servers so far found just major public ones
      - Start getting some money in to buy a seperate botting pc where I can run more than 2 instances of wow at a time
      - As soon as i moved in to my new place, starting to earn a little cash to finance botting and my studies.
      - start freshing up my c# skillz to programm a relogger / watcher / start/end program to get botting more automated
      So long

      P.S. may a mod change title to something like: way to becoming a real botter
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
    9. Spartanmfot

      Spartanmfot New Member

      Aug 29, 2010
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      Congratulations on your success mate!
    10. cawpet

      cawpet Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      Firstly, if you fancy the easier route, go for a dk for farming, with the skills they also get faster sppeds. Also.

      I don't sell so can't comment there.
      Seperate pc thing is a must. And generally, you can run 3 or 4 on a cheap dual core build with a midspec gfx card. If you're just runnign two wow's, this should be fairly cheap to arrange.
      Good luck with the studies.
      Anddd, there are already soem reloggers, and, I'd suggect watching via logmein, etc. Save yourself coding trouble, moer time to bring in the goods :p.

      Good luck! Keep us updated!
    11. rhomb

      rhomb New Member

      Sep 7, 2010
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      Thanks for the heads up man...
      have atm the moving to a new place crap.. but still gonna go strong on botting get u updated
    12. rhomb

      rhomb New Member

      Sep 7, 2010
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      Okay so botting didn't work out so well for the last days because I wasn't xD..

      had things to do in my new place and so on and so on.

      But I found a private buyer for the herbs I'm farmin on one server and sold him 2 sessions of farming herbs and got in 3215g (one session got terminated after 5 hours because of maintenance -.-)

      atm i'm at home and can't bot because of auth problems (maybe a new ddos).. sucks big time.
      gonna skill up mining on the 80 paladin as soon as the server go online again, and start another farming session with my mage...

      I had about 60k left on my bank account (used for working the ah before i got into botting gold.. i use this money to sustain my main char).
      I advertised 10k on ebay for bidding, will see how it sells, think i'm gonna get somewhere between 15 and 30 euros, this is just for testing the market with private buyers.. and to get some money in before I can start selling b2b

      so long

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