I have the following board layout: the bot is stuck : On other matches with a mage deck i observed some odd things: The enemy hero has a double digit health value and a 5/6 taunt minion on the board, we are aiming with the fireball card at the enemy hero. we have low health and the combined attack power of the enemy will kill us next turn with a 7/4 minion for example, we should preferably get a taunt minion on the board instead of wasting the necessary mana on our mage ability and reduce the enemy minion health to 3. Might have saved us. If we have an enemy 7/1 on the board, or generally speaking something with high attack power and low life, we should wipe it from the board with hero abilities instead of going straight for the enemy hero. If our taunt creature is down at 1 or 2 health and is very likely to not see the next turn, i think we should use the mana coin card and drop a 1/2 taunt minion before ending the turn. Using polymorph for 4 mana and then the mage ability for 2 mana to kill a mob looks strange if you could also have played a fireball for 4 mana and killed the target in one move.
Check this : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/hearthbuddy-forum/159009-unique-thread-behavior-improvements.html