Hi Folks, after a short test period i can present you my dark soul route profile. This profile is running on the most spawning spots in the Calley of the four winds (Dark Soil - Object - World of Warcraft). You can use it to farm Herbs and Ore?s, while farming soils. It is 99,9% AFK useable. I only had 1 Stuck in a fence while flying to a soil during 2 hours running. After this 2 hours i had ~30+ soils farmed, i didnt count. How to run: Download Profile, start Gatherbuddy2 load the profile, start the Plugin -> Start (i deactivated farming ore and herb because for that i have another bots) If you want 100%, pls correct the Height in Gatherbuddy +30 or more. Be careful: The profile is flying in only one Area. Farming for >6 hours may be dangerous The Plugin which i use to find the soils: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...or-onyx-egg-dark-soil-more-14.html#post852890 But you can use this one, too (ready to use): http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...lugin-objectgatherer.html?highlight=dark+soil