Hey guys, I made a apexis crystal farm profile. I don't know if alliance players can also do farm there, cause I got the daily for my Horde character. Before you start farming crystals there, you have to complete the quest Assault on the Everbloom Wilds - Quest - World of Warcraft or you have to be on this quest status. It farms the crystals in gorgrond and it's working fine for me till now. View attachment 152090
It doesn't run in Skettis. It runs in Everbloom wilds, it collects 3 mobs, depends on your singular if it pulls more. Using it with my ilvl 625 hunter and didn't die. I farmed the whole night without any problems. View attachment EVW.xml You should start the profile in the Everbloom wilds in gorgrond, and you should also have done the quest, so you can farm the crystals.
doesn't work, get this error " Cannot load profile! The 'Vendors' start tag on line 55 position 2 does not match the end tag of 'HBProfile'. Line 57, position 3."
Seems to just stand around in the tent near the flight master Arcanist Windlebop and won't move unless manually moved?
runs fine, but it doesnt really seek out the mobs so much as run a path and atk any mobs that it aggro's on accident.
How much are you supposed to be gaining per hour? It seems and as a nice script to do the daily quest for you, but after that you (at least I think) don't receive very many crystals.
This Profile works as intended and is for use on the quest " Assault on the Everbloom Wilds - Quest - World of Warcraft ". You can only receive Apexis Crystals whilst on this quest. Farm is around 80-100 per hour depending on your profile.
I wont use it to farm endless but always nice to complete the Assault while i am drinking some coffee. Good work sir, thank you. Tested the script and works like a charm, its a keeper
does this profile just hang around the SW side of the mountain near the everbloom wilds flight path or will it go to the east side near everbloom overlook. there is just way too many players grinding. it is in fact sad to watch that real players use their time to do such thing.