[Leveling] panYama's Snowdrift Plains 77-80 Faction: Neutral Map: Stormpeaks - Bouldercrag Refuge Farms: Relics of Ulduar, Eternal Airs, Meat. Level: 77-80 - It's starting point is in Bouldercrag Refuge which is located in North Stormpeaks. Once arrived you can start the bot from the flightmaster and your character will start moving towards it's destination. Profile Details: Faction: Level: 77-80 Map: Stormpeaks - Bouldercrag Refuge Farming: Relics of Ulduar, Eternal Airs, Meat. Description: This profile is designed to take you from 77-80 in a rather quick time. Blacklist: Nothing right now is blackspotted/blacklisted, let me know if there should be. Properties Settings: - Vendor: Supported! - Mail: Supported! - Ammo: Supported! - ForceMail: Disabled! - Protectitems: Enabled! Feedback: This profile works but might have problems at some positions to get stuck. It has been build from ground up with some stepbacks which might be in the area you move trough the small dwarf path. How to use Files: Snowdrift Plains = used from level 77 till lvl 80, you can always alter 77 to 76 but only if you think you can handle adds of lvl 78-79. Reason: No special reasons for the profile not to work. Lootfilter: Enable Lootfilter to KEEP the items you want. Usage notice: When you download this file, open it in a text editor to see if it is up to your needs, if not edit the file to do so. Everything else should be self explanatory as soon as you open the file, by Using my profiles I assume you know how they work. Changelog: Code: [FONT=Tahoma]- 1.0 Profiles have been uploaded for community use.[/FONT]
hehe, should work, this is a old profile updated and freshly made for new hb if you find any stuck points tell me where.
Testing in progress with squishy 77 Rouge. Edit 1: First time i launched it the bot drove me straight into Icecrown and started fighting in Sindragosa's Breath. Edit 2: Disabled experimental path following this time. It ran straight down the the path and started killing Stormforged Raiders and stuff. After killing all stuff blocking the way he entered the "real" Snowdrift Plains and continued grinding Stormriders.
will let this run while i'm at school... 77 rogue, going to update in a while, thanks for the profile
The Bot is grinding quite well. No Stuck-Points in 5 Hours except one situation where i got stuck in a structure via Killing Spree. I managed to unstuck myself though. I also had to delete my mesh-folder a few times due to corrupted ones, but thats a problem of hb, not your profile. Navigation and Pathfinding to Mailbox/Vendor works fine. To be honest I'd like some more hotspots to cover more of the area. Sometimes it just passes 6-10 Stormriders and continues bashing iron-dwarfs etc in front of the Dark Iron Giant/in front of the FP/Mail/Vendor-Station (forgot name). Yes, killing between hotspots is enabled. This crazy journey-thingie to IC i experienced on my first run of your profile never occured again, so as a general note: Turn experimental path following OFF. And a good thing about this profile: In zul'drak i got 2 pallys and a dk farming the spot... pretty overused. hopefully this one will spred the amount of people in the late 70's who use HB a bit. SS of the stuck-spot for rogues attached.
Do you want XYZ-Coords from HB for exact location? If yes, i will post some tomorrow or later this evening.
I havnt tried your profile but i am truely impressed with your layout on your post. Very nice... lol useless post number 2 of the day .
thanks, just dislike unorganized stuff laying around. this way its clear what you download and with some details/instructions if needed, even a small pic to see where it might be. could've done: 77-80 stormpeaks north have fun its a good spot. style but thats just bukaki
Testing Now, will report back in a few hours. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: Done a 6 hour run! One word, flawless! Averaged 150k Exp/Hour on a Paladin with 0 BoAs. (best ive had yet) By far the best profile Ive used in Northrend! Very little traffic on my server aswell with is also a major plus! +rep, thanks!