This is from a thread within the lobby; I was requested to place it here and am doing so! --- I haven't used this in awhile but, I made this one when my priest was farming Embersilk for Tailoring. I had looked up Embersilk drop rates on wowhead and decided Uldum was the best place; Eternal Protectors & Furious Specters. Has a mailbox/vendor. You'll need to set it to Grindbot and make sure it lands prior to starting. Needs to also be IN Uldum as I didn't bother to include any portal jumps. I'd recommend having a plugin to clear out bags unless you like flying back and forth to town; such as: TidyBags Mr.ItemRemover2 Ran for 2 hours, without a Potion of Treasure Finding, and had roughly 600 (120 bolts) cloth. See attached.