Savage Leather - Endless Farming! This profile farms Savage Leather and Scraps from Charbringer around Ashen Lake in Mount Hyjal. It contains REPAIR and MAILBOX. To run this profil you need to set it to "Grind Bot" and don't forget to toggle "Loot Mobs" and "Skin mobs" on under Settings & Tools. Mailbox and Repair is located in Grove of Aessina. I recommend farming this in level 85 since you can end up pulling alot of mobs. Don't forget to have a CC aswell! Please keep in mind, this is one of my first profiles, so expect to see a few bugs, or alot I don't know.
I ran the profile for a few hours, it went really well, however there is one spot where it gets stuck on a log.
So, instead of being helpful and giving some coords as to where you're getting stuck so the OP can fix the issue, you call the profile useless? Wow... /rolls eyes
PHP: [18:15:48:012] Successfully generated path from {4549.63, -2083.21, 1187.081} to {4733.006, -1639.592, 1291.456} in 129 milliseconds stuck here after 5 min falling off the cliff running to close to the edge falling into the water. also the dragons drop 80 % scraps, and thats.... nty + i think this profile isnt yours, i used this several months back, before you even posted it? its a well known profile, with well known bugs like cliff fall off ....
I have similar bad results, I guess the phasing in that area plays a major role. Probably ok if you've just entered the area with lvl80 and didn't do all the quests yet.