ASHEN VERDICT REP This is a quest profile that will kill the trash up to Lord Marrowgar, leave the instance, reset and go again until your toon is exalted with the Ashen Verdict. Usable by both HORDE and ALLIANCE. If this profile is useful to you please like and say thanks, it doesn't take much and it keeps people making profiles for you... View attachment [N] Icecrown Citadel Trash Rep Farm.xml
not working Starting the bot! Currently Using BotBase : Questing Current zone is Icecrown (Icecrown - Zone - World of Warcraft) Changing current profile to ------------------------------------------------------ | | | **Ashen Verdict Rep Farm** | | *** Profile by Uhtred *** | ------------------------------------------------------ [Singular] Your Level 90 Night Elf Balance Druid Build is [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Icecrown [Singular] ... Zone: Northrend using my SOLO Behaviors [Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do would attach a log, if honorbuddy wasnt a broken product not generating any logs.
Are u starting the profile inside the Instance?? U need to NOT be inside ICC and it'll make its own way there and carry on till exalted. Let me know how you get on.
i started i standing just in front of the portal (outside the instance) the bot walks outside next to the siege weapons, en just stops on me.