Bot to Use: Questing Location: Blackrock Caverns, Burning Steppes, Eastern Kingdoms Rep gained: Home citry rep (tabards) Repair: No Mailbox: No Quests: No AFK: 50% No plugins required This profile will run through Blackrock Caverns over and over. I made this profile to farm level 77-79 greens, since on my server they sell for 400g a piece. START THE BOT JUST OUTSIDE THE ENTRANCE!! Known issues: - The Third boss "Karsh Steelbender" is almost unkillable when he's is not getting any stacks from the fire, so either you have to watch the bot abit or if someone can pm me the code to run into the fire first & then start attacking I could implement that & make it 100% afk. - Doesn't kill last boss since bot has to switch targets & pffffff, he doesn't drop anything "valuable" anyway.
Doesn't kill the second boss correctly, resulting in instadeath on the bridge. Third boss is well but you already mentioned that.