STEAMWHEEDLE CARTEL REPUTATION PROFILE! This profile raises your reputation with Steamwheedle Cartel to Exalted. It contains MAILBOX and VENDOR/REPAIR so don't worry about that. You will have to run this profile in "Grind Bot" or it won't work. It will slay Bloodsail Buccaneers so obviously you will need a CC for that aswell. It's Located down at the Wild shore and the Mailbox and Vendor are located in Booty Bay. I've only tested it for a couple of minutes but it seemed to work well. Any problems or bugs please write it as a reply and I'll get to it as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that this is my first profile so expect a few bugs, or alot I don't know. Would appreciate it if some people would try it out and see how it goes.
This kills mobs that gives you minus rep with the Buccaneers, so dont use this if you intend to keep your honored+ for Insane in the Membrane.