Truth be told, I'm actually working on all the Dailies for Pandaria - but I'm having a problem. -- This is the Quest profile I've started, and I was able to complete Andi's portion just fine. As soon as I added another NPC / Quest, the profile stopped working.. and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what I did wrong, so I can continue working on the quests. I know the title is misleading; I've tried for a couple of days to get help in the base Honorbuddy forum, and that did not work. Help me out, and I'll get everyone with a full set of Daily profiles.
check out Kick's Firelands Dailys for how he "detected" which quest is active and what npc that means to go after. it's possible that many of those functions could be broken, but worth investigating imo
It's not so much that I can't detect which quest is active; it's that I've somehow made the profile into a "Do nothing" profile. Bot doesn't try to even fly to Halfhill; it just stands there and thinks there's nothing to do. I've looked around, and the best I can find are some video guides - and my connection simply isn't good enough for videos. I need a text walkthrough, and I can't find a single one.
Two a remarks from somebody who has no idea how to write a quest profile: try to add <RunTo X="-228.8456" Y="608.3925" Z="166.8103" /> so your toon walks up to Andi. and the number in <While Condition="HasQuestAvailable(64464)" > should be the ID of the Quest NPC not, that of the Quest.
It's now able to run to Halfhill, and pick up the quests from Farmer Yoon and Andi -- that part is figured out, and fairly straightforward. The daily for today is "A Gift for Old Hillpaw", but I can not make the bot run to the lake and actually do the quest. The parts that have to do with Hillpaw, are highlighted in green: Would love for someone to point out why the bot won't run to the hotspots.
Working on today's batch of dailies. When you get knocked off the cliff, the bot doesn't know what to do to get back up - short flight, but the bot doesn't do that. Anyone know how I could fix that?
add this in condition now the bot is looking for dailies Code: HasQuestAvailable([NPC-ID], "AvailableRepeatable")
I tried for two hours, and I simply can not figure out why I'm unable to complete A Gift for Sho. Here are the relevant parts of the code: Pick Up Quest: Do The Quest: (Broken) I know it's commented out; it's for the sake of the profile. I've tried Interact, SimpleInteract, various combinations of MobId or ObjectId, nothing. Bot just runs to the pot, stands on it, and then moves on to something else. Another interact quest I'm having problems with is this one: I have the IDs properly set, but similar to the above... I can't interact with them. Bot just moves on, even when standing on a candle it should be clicking on.