It appears the navigation server is down or needs a restart. A whole lot of this going on again: Fingers crossed for a quick reset. Cheers, -D
since this bot no longer accepts new customers and since you guys are having such trouble keeping the nav servers running why not let us have a downloadable version of it so it can run on our own computers?
you didn't understand. i want the nav server meshes on my computer. so that it won't matter if the server is down. if you no longer sell the bot and plan to shut it down why would you care if we have the meshes on our own computers? right now i need to level 3 new characters before the patch on tuesday after which the bot may need an update and won't work for days after that. meaning i have to manually level my characters to 14 in this stupid game.
its not my decision to make, not only that but the meshes arent a small thing to download, they take up a lot of space.
i understand that it's not your decision. this bot had a lot of potential and it's a shame to see it close. btw it looks like the nav server is up. (actually it was up for a couple hours and now it's down again)