Verified the profile, right one. Can you guys take a look? Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.Real*****.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.Real*****.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type) at Buddy.Navigation.NavServiceReference.IPathService.EndGetPath(IAsyncResult result) at Buddy.Navigation.NavServiceReference.PathServiceClient.EndGetPath(IAsyncResult result) at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.(IAsyncResult ) Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop() Generating path to <-43.5534, -22.7446, 100.161> Waiting for path request to finish... Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop() Generating path to <-43.5534, -22.7446, 100.161> Waiting for path request to finish...
I pm'd tony last night about it but he usually pms me back and he hasn't :S They might be faster to notice these posts when they are in the support section?