PHP: Goal: FlyTo-FlyTo.: In Progress (no associated quest) Flying to 'Portal to Deepholm in Orgrimmar' (<2049.671, -4378.342, 98.96154>) [Ref: "[Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-83 [Kick]($Rev: 3797 $)" @line 328] Bot stuck on navigation, unable to move from this spot (not only with this profile): PHP: <Hotspot X="-10965.5" Y="-1379.47" Z="35.52981" /> Another stuck in Uldum: PHP: Goal: FlyTo-FlyTo.: In Progress (no associated quest) Flying to '<-9696.501, -794.7971, 102.2886>' (<-9696.501, -794.7971, 102.2886>) [Ref: "[Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick] ($Rev: 3872 $)" @line 756] Bot is trying to fly through ceiling (screen attached) PHP: <Hotspot X="-9747.635" Y="-982.8347" Z="83.7561" />