Hello there, I would hear if anyone could help me with this: Step 1. Go to Naxxramas in Northrend and set the raid difficulty to 25 before you go in. Step 2. Clear the first part of the Plague Quarter and kill Noth the Plaguebringer. Step 3. Kill every mob after the first boss, you will find mostly bats there. This is the room where you will come back after you reset the instance. Don't kill the second boss! Step 4. Run out. Reset the instance then switch the raid difficulty to 10 man. Step 5. Go in again, kill the bats, reset the instance. Repeat these steps. You can only reset an instance 5 times in an hour, so would be cool for the bot to log out until the hour has passed and then log back in and repeat this Anyone that can help? Regards
This is a bit of a large task ... and the relog bit would need be handled by a relogger set manually.
yeah the relog bit could be handled that way, just set a timer somehow depending on how fast your toon does the 5 runs It is also possible to leave out the part where you kill North, because if you do that manually its just keep extending the lockout week after week. So its basically just one that enters kill the desired mops, run out and reset and then back in, that would be more than fine for me