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  • Nee Help Getting Skinning working

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by courtjesterau, Jan 1, 2012.

    1. courtjesterau

      courtjesterau New Member

      Dec 31, 2011
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      I cant get any skinning profile to work. What am I doing wrong.

      I have downloaded teh latest version of HB I have a skinning profile ( http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ght-highlands-obsidian-forest-sevenshoot.html ) -- the alliance version

      it will follow the points and attack kill and loot the mobs but does not skin them.

      I ahve seen people say turn on ninja skinner but I cant see that option anywhere

      can any one help ??

      This is whats in the log

      [8:37:38 AM:531] Activity: Loading Profile...
      [8:37:40 AM:042] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
      [8:37:40 AM:046] Changing current profile to Twilight Highlands
      [8:37:40 AM:951] Starting the bot!
      [8:37:40 AM:967] Changing current profile to Twilight Highlands
      [8:37:41 AM:039] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
      [8:37:41 AM:039] Cleared POI
      [8:37:41 AM:198] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g79s7c]
      [8:37:41 AM:204] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [8:37:41 AM:204] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:37:41 AM:204] Loading Azeroth_43_41
      [8:37:41 AM:243] Loading Azeroth_42_40
      [8:37:41 AM:366] Loading Azeroth_43_40
      [8:37:41 AM:468] Loading Azeroth_42_41
      [8:37:41 AM:567] Successfully generated path from {-4804.337, -6174.471, 20.68439} to {-4547.477, -5780.961, 53.11686} in 202 milliseconds
      [8:37:41 AM:657] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Swift Flight Form
      [8:37:41 AM:719] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [8:37:46 AM:026] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [8:37:46 AM:026] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5.020833
      [8:37:46 AM:026] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 85239
      [8:37:46 AM:026] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 85
      [8:37:46 AM:026] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Obsidian Charscale
      [8:37:46 AM:254] [Singular] Casting Moonfire on Obsidian Charscale
      [8:37:46 AM:257] Spell_C::CastSpell(8921, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [127]
      [8:37:46 AM:472] Unloading tiles!
      [8:37:46 AM:473] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:37:46 AM:473] Loading Azeroth_43_40
      [8:37:46 AM:577] Activity: Moving towards Obsidian Charscale
      [8:37:46 AM:696] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Moonfire
      [8:37:46 AM:696] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Nature's Grace
      [8:37:46 AM:875] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Moonfire
      [8:37:47 AM:718] Spell_C::CastSpell(8921, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [128]
      [8:37:47 AM:883] Spell_C::CastSpell(8921, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [129]
      [8:37:48 AM:159] Spell_C::CastSpell(8921, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [130]
      [8:37:48 AM:231] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Moonfire
      [8:37:48 AM:446] [Singular] Casting Wrath on Obsidian Charscale
      [8:37:48 AM:449] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [131]
      [8:37:48 AM:600] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [132]
      [8:37:48 AM:819] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Power Torrent
      [8:37:48 AM:901] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [133]
      [8:37:49 AM:052] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [134]
      [8:37:50 AM:584] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [135]
      [8:37:50 AM:749] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [136]
      [8:37:50 AM:924] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [137]
      [8:37:51 AM:094] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [138]
      [8:37:52 AM:586] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [139]
      [8:37:52 AM:751] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [140]
      [8:37:52 AM:917] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [141]
      [8:37:54 AM:615] [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [8:37:54 AM:618] Spell_C::CastSpell(774, 0, 0x3000000069CA9FD, 0) [142]
      [8:37:54 AM:777] Spell_C::CastSpell(774, 0, 0x3000000069CA9FD, 0) [143]
      [8:37:54 AM:936] Spell_C::CastSpell(774, 0, 0x3000000069CA9FD, 0) [144]
      [8:37:55 AM:097] Spell_C::CastSpell(774, 0, 0x3000000069CA9FD, 0) [145]
      [8:37:55 AM:354] [Singular] Casting Wrath on Obsidian Charscale
      [8:37:55 AM:356] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [146]
      [8:37:55 AM:433] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Rejuvenation
      [8:37:55 AM:565] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [147]
      [8:37:55 AM:756] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [148]
      [8:37:55 AM:968] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [149]
      [8:37:56 AM:170] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [150]
      [8:37:57 AM:748] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [151]
      [8:37:57 AM:915] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [152]
      [8:37:58 AM:089] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [153]
      [8:37:59 AM:745] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [154]
      [8:37:59 AM:914] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [155]
      [8:38:00 AM:769] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [156]
      [8:38:00 AM:921] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [157]
      [8:38:01 AM:090] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [158]
      [8:38:02 AM:536] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [159]
      [8:38:02 AM:703] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [160]
      [8:38:02 AM:860] Spell_C::CastSpell(5176, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [161]
      [8:38:04 AM:730] [Singular] Casting Moonfire on Obsidian Charscale
      [8:38:04 AM:732] Spell_C::CastSpell(8921, 0, 0xF530BAB5006A5980, 0) [162]
      [8:38:06 AM:396] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
      [8:38:06 AM:396] Cleared POI
      [8:38:06 AM:541] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Obsidian Charscale
      [8:38:06 AM:671] InteractDebug:1312022208
      [8:38:06 AM:672] Interact Done:1312022208
      [8:38:07 AM:564] Looting Obsidian Charscale Guid:0xF530BAB5006A5980
      [8:38:07 AM:590] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [8:38:07 AM:590] Cleared POI
      [8:38:08 AM:333] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Obsidian Charscale
      [8:38:08 AM:460] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [8:38:08 AM:460] Cleared POI
      [8:38:08 AM:596] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [8:38:08 AM:597] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:38:08 AM:597] Loading Azeroth_42_40
      [8:38:08 AM:713] Loading Azeroth_43_41
      [8:38:08 AM:880] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [8:38:10 AM:960] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
      [8:38:10 AM:960] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5.020833
      [8:38:10 AM:960] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 85239
      [8:38:10 AM:960] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 85
      [8:38:12 AM:857] Stopping the bot!
      [8:38:12 AM:857] Stop called!
      [8:38:12 AM:874] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
      Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
    2. Jimminez

      Jimminez Member

      Dec 10, 2011
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      go aetings and tools then scroll down to looting and check skinning and ninja on.. ( if you cant see it you dont have Advance options on. )
      Boomer likes this.
    3. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    4. Boomer

      Boomer New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you! I forget about this check box and was also wondering what in the world was going on since my character wouldn't skin! haha. Thx again!

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