I have been away from botting for 3 years and feel very rusty CR. I used to use lazyraider but i couldn't find it anymore in honorbuddy. I just purchased portal premium mage CR. When I want to move in game, the character is still casting and doesn't seem to move at all. I have to force it to move with all the jerky movement. Is there a hot key i can toggle CR off and move then toggle it back on ? Any better bot base than just the standard raidbot? Any premade profiles for pve and pvp that i can just 1 click and ready to go? I am busy and lazy .... so any wow/bot genius here please help.
I dont think Lazyraider is available anymore or at least updated. It's moved over to the botbase Enyo. Gives you full control as lazyraider and everything else.
Make sure that movement is turned off in the cr settings. And Enyo will be the bot base to use. It's free on the store.