I need the key for HB e-mailed to upgrade. I sent the e-mail on Wed and found the best idea I could hunt down of a session key. I got this answer: that in no way is the correct key thats what you used to activate your forum account with please start HB and then copy / paste me the Username out of it So I replied back that I can't find the Key, and that my username is BobbyNewhart. I got this response a minute ago: YOU ARE logging into HB YOU have CONFIGS file LOOK INSIDE I can't find a config file in my HB folder. I also went to open up HB as the last e-mail said, and the login pops up with my username saved in, my password saved in, and an OK or Cancel button. I also asked on the forums and seemed to get an answer from Tony that I don't have a key: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/44456-how-do-i-find-my-session-key-2.html I'm moving this over here and not replying in that thread for now since it's more of a support thing, and I don't want to mess up the general forum with support stuff!
The upgrade instructions from 1 to 3 sessions directed us to a link on the store to pay for an upgrade through paypal and then e-mail support with our key to get it upgraded to the 3 sessions. This thread: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/payment-issues/33351-honorbuddy-how-upgrade-1-session-3-sessions.html
but if you are not a key based user you dont have a key,so you must tell us your old shop username Bossland GmbH
I paid on Wed and sent a new e-mail with the updated info close to 36 hours ago. Should I have heard something by now? Sorry it's a problem.