Okay so lets say i have 4 accounts A B C D --> stands for refers A --> B B --> C C --> D if ABCD were all in 1 party would they ALL gain the 3x ?
Yeah all the accounts would get the triple XP because they are all linked. Not all linked with each other just with the one account that recruited it.
Yes, they all get triple exp, provided the other conditions are met, like being within 3 levels of each other, in party, and within range. Also, the way that the RAF granted levels work, you could level one set of toons to 60, and start granting levels, and the toons that RECEIVE granted levels are also able to then grant other levels, in a cascading manner. SO all but the last account on the chain basically gets free levels
granting levels for alts you mean right? because A is not linked to C and i can't seem to grant main characters A to B because the option is grayed and i am 2 levels ahead